Networking on Purpose (NWOP) is an intentional, yet unique, networking experience where we partner with non-profit organizations for the purpose of increasing awareness and engagement of their mission while encouraging attendees to be philanthropic. Attendees will come with their elevator pitch/introduction and leave equipped for growth (both personally and professionally) with a community that supports them! Networking on Purpose runs on the 3rd Thursday for the months of January through October. A big thank you to the the event host, Centric Place, for helping to make this networking experience a space where authenticity is accepted, community is cultivated and learning is long-lasting. Light food and refreshments will be provided! 

On purpose: being intentional with networking with like-minded professionals.

For a purpose: centered on donating proceeds from this event to the Spotlight Nonprofit Organization of the month.

Join us the 3rd Thursday of each month!

Remember: Your give must be bigger than your ask and always be intentional – Network on purpose and for a purpose.

Networking on Purpose Videos

January 2020 – Your 2020 Vision and your Next Career Move

February 2020 – Serving up Justice both Inside and Outside the Workplace